Scifi taunts (228 K)

To add these taunts to AoE, simply unzip the zipped wave files (228 K) into the sound directory of AoE, e. g. D:\AoE\sound. The other player can then use the new taunts on you :) so if you want to use them, the other player must have them, too.

These are taunts from various Scifi movies, such as "Terminator", "Space Odyssey", "Star Trek" and "Spaceballs".

Taunt # Description
081 HAL in Space Odyssey: "Honestly, I would not worry about that."
082 HAL 9000: "I feel much better now."
083 HAL 9000: "I want to help you."
084 HAL 9000: "I think we've improved a great deal."
085 HAL 9000: "I enjoy working with people."
086 Klaxxon from Star Trek
087 Kirk: "Prepare to attack!" - klaxxon
088 From Spaceballs: "Now you will see that evil will always triumph, because good is dumb."
089 Terminator: "Hasta la vista, baby."
090 Terminator: "I'll be back."


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