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RoR unit sheets

The most comprehensive RoR unit sheets available.

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Text Description Author, ©
RoR unit sheets (~ 100 KB) "To the best of my knowledge, these are the only completely comprehensive charts findable on the net. (...) This includes ALL of the new civs, units, and technologies for Rise of Rome as well as ALL of the old civs, units, and technologies from Age of Empires." Dave
RoR tribe chart (146 KB) It's the updated civ chart (Excel format) for AOE ROR, & prints neatly (in color) on a letter-sized paper. (Also readable by StarOffice 5.0) Ronald
Shortcuts, unit tables and more (16 KB) This zip file contains Ronald's overview of the scoring system, unit tables, shortcuts and civilization attributes.
Aoe.doc is in Winword format, aoe.txt in ASCII; aoe2.doc contains fixed tables for some printers.
Kwang Meng
AI documentation (41 KB) The official AI documentations (beta version). For people who want to write their own AI or just understand how the AI works. Ensemble Studios
Hotkeys (2 KB) Hotkeys for constructing buildings and training troops. Smog
Cheats (6 KB) All known cheat codes for AoE. unit table preview (7 KB) see cheats page
Taunts (3 KB) All built-in taunts for multiplayer games. Omer
Unit table (109 KB) All unit properties; requires Acrobat Reader 3.0. Torkild
Unit table for Excel (5 KB) The same as above, but for Excel, and without a background picture. Tristan Panek
.SLP descriptions (12 KB) A list of decriptions for all the .SLP graphic files contained within the GRAPHICS.DRS file. Brian Yip
Hidden pictures (48 KB) Unused images in AoE (not accessible from cheats), including a description. Maybe they can be the starting point for a new tileset. Luis
Empty personality file (9 KB) All you have to do is insert the values into Persnlty.per and take out any unwanted lines and you have a good personality file. The fastest way to create a .per file! Brian Chau
Tribe sheets (~200 KB each) .pdf tribe sheets where you have all information for one tribe (unit costs and statistics, available technologies and bonuses) on one single sheet. This makes twelve sheets to print. This is particularly useful if you are not familiar with AoE yet - you will only need one sheet for a game. Mr. Fixit

Miscellaneous stuff

File Description Author, ©
AoE desktop theme (1.5 MB) Age of Empires sounds, animations and desktop background for Win95.
Microsoft PLUS! is required.
Jeffrey W. Johnston
Excerpt from "Inside Moves" (6 KB) Official strategy guide for AoE. Not bad but I think mine is better :) Steven Kent
New AoE taunts The taunts sets of other languages and new AoE taunts from Monty Python, Star Wars, Science Fiction movies and Beavis and Butthead. see taunts page
ICQ The world's largest online communication network, excellent for finding players for AoE. Mirabilis
FreeMem Professional (804 KB) Enables you to stay in control of Windows memory management. It is possible to free up a specified amount of RAM, making working with your PC a lot smoother. Meikel Weber


File Description Author, ©
Kali 1.4x (approx. 2 MB) The best way to play Age of Empires and other network games over the internet. Servers can be found everywhere. $20 registration fee required. Can be used for other network games (also for Mac). Kali software

Unzip programs

File Description Author, ©
Pkunzip (approx. 250 KB) The classical unzip program. Not quite as user friendly as Winzip, but with a very powerful command line version. The Windows version is also pretty good, far more versatile than Winzip. Pkware
WinZip (650 KB) An unzip program that makes handling zip files very easy. Allows previewing files and executables. You can use it to unzip all the programs from this page easily. It lacks more powerful functionality though - for real work, you should use pkzip. Nico Mak Computing, Inc.

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