Age of Empires sound editor

File Description Author, ©
Daboo Alpha2 (433 KB) Daboo! is a sound editor for the sounds.drs file in Microsoft's Age of Empires. It provides quick and easy access to the WAV's stored inside, allowing anyone to edit, listen, or export individual WAVs. Dave Smith (Bryn)
AoEWavEx sound editor (150 KB) Extract or edit all 144 sounds from SOUNDS.DRS, listen to sounds while extracting. Play sound(s) directly from SOUNDS.DRS. Backup current SOUNDS.DRS. Restore backup. Juha Rahko
SoundEdit 1.00 (1.5 M) The install program of the Sound Editor. Installs 2 MB of Visual Basic dlls; if you have them already (see documentation), you can try the small version of the program. S. Chen
Sound Edit without setup (40 K) This is the program itself without any dlls. Copy all files into the same directory. If it does not work, you will have to download the entire setup program. S. Chen
Sound description (4 K) A description of the meanings of all sound effects. Not complete yet. If you know some of the sounds, please send their description to Steve Chen. S. Chen
Sound description (30 K) A description of the meanings of all sound effects as an Excel 5.0 spreadsheet. If you know some of the sounds, please send their description to Steve Chen. S. Chen


This is a part of the readme file of Sound Edit:

AoESoundEdit v1.00
Docs & Info
Rev 11/7/97
S. Chen

Comments/questions/info: SLChen@GTE.Net

About AoESoundEdit

This is a program I made in VB to extract all the Wav files out of a Sounds.DRS file. The Sounds.DRS file should be in the same directory that the program is installed to. This means either copy the file out or install to the AoE\Data directory.

At startup the program analyzes Sounds.DRS and gives a listing of all the sounds and their formats. You can extract all the sounds as individual Wav files to the directory of your choice. Once you have a full set of sounds in a given subdirectory, you can also merge them back together into a new DRS file. This means you can replace the individual Wavs as you like.

On the retail AoE file, this program is going to generate some warnings about the INFO subchunks of the various Wav files. This is either some sloppy Wav files on the part of Ensemble Studios, or a bug in my code in interpreting the trailing INFO subchunks of the Wav files. Don't worry -- things seem to work fine regardless.

You should be able to extract all 144 sounds and recompile them into a new file and get a byte-for-byte copy of the original. Use this program at your own risk! It seems to work OK for me, but I haven't tested it that much yet.

You need to have a recent version of OLE automation DLLs installed on your system. Some programs that already install these DLLs for you include Visual Basic 5, Office 97, and Internet Explorer 3.0.


If you are the end user, the author grants you an unlimited non-exclusive usage license for the AoESoundEdit software. By using this software you affirm that you have a licensed copy of Age of Empires and indemnify the author of any liability resulting from reverse-engineering or modification of your Age of Empires data.

There is NO WARRANTY for this software -- use it at your own risk. I have made moderate efforts to prevent it from doing anything bad to your system, but I can't forsee all possibilities. If you try to make the software crash you will probably succeed.

You may redistribute this software provided that it is unmodified and distributed in whole and is distributed freely without cost. If you wish to license this software to be included as part of a package distributed for resale, contact the author.

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